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Monday, July 29, 2013

When are you working on your Bible work?

I often hear (adults) say, "I don't have time to memorize the Bible."  In most cases, time is limited. As a mom I stay busy running 3 kids to music lessons, scouts, sports, Awana, church, friends houses, classes and to visit grandma. Our kids are also very busy. They don't have the free time of our parents generations.
However, God commands that we meditate and memorize His Words (Joshua 1:8, 2 timothy 2:15). Just keep the study time consistent and manageable.
From about fourth grade up, much reviewing for students can be done on their own in just a few minutes a day.
Think about when you have a few minutes.
In the shower (use a laminated card in the shower)
While brushing your teeth (use a dry erase marker on the mirror)
As soon as you wake up (try 5-10 min)
As soon as you lay down for the night (5-10 min as you lay down for the night)
In traffic (you can't cheat and look at the paper!  Have the kids quiz you, or each other)
At meal times
While cooking
While folding laundry (turn the TV off and work on learning Gods Word while matching socks)
I just found at least an hour a day for you!  Why not use that time to focus on God?

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